Saturday, October 03, 2009

Be Proud America - Afghan Women's Writing Project

Get a tissue or two, sit back and read this account of a young Afghan woman about the last few days she had with her American mentor - Rosemary. It is truly amazing how brave and dedicated some people are and that more often than not - their story does not go nearly as far as the people they touch.

Be Proud, America

It was a Wednesday in June when I had my interview with Rosemary. She accepted me as program assistant for her organization, “A Little Help.” I was glad and I was afraid. But she was not like a boss to me. She was like a teacher. The first days, everything was new. She gave me some letters to print. I tried and I tried, but the printer was angry; it was not printing, I went to Rosemary and told her, “Please, come check the printer.” She came and checked, and plugged the cable on the printer and smiled at me.

Her office with its green lawn and roses was also her house, but it was my home too. I felt calm there. She was not like a foreigner. She was a family member. She stayed in Afghanistan almost six years and Afghanistan was her home.
But life is unfaithful sometimes.
She laughed and her laugh was an ocean of love.
It is very hard when you are alone, and you lose someone who you love.
 blog it

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