Friday, July 10, 2009

Predator Drones Killing US Chances for Peace

The Predator drones seem to be a "cool" way to kill and assassinate US enemies without risking US soldiers. It actually kills more innocents than though, creates new enemies, may well violate Presidential Executive Orders against assassination, and in the end may put more US soldiers at risk.
clipped from

Generals, Lords and CIA agree: Drones are bad

•    House Armed Services Committee had recently heard testimony from David Kilcullen–a former adviser to General David Petraeus–who believes the drone attacks take too many civilian lives. Kilcullen testified that while drone attacks are suspected to have killed 14 Al-Qaeda leaders since 2006 in Pakistan, at the same time the weapons have killed about 700 civilians–a 50:1 ratio of innocent victims to targeted enemies.

“We need to call off the drones,” Kilcullen said.

Kilcullen is a former Australian army officer who served in Iraq as a top advisor to U.S. Army Gen. David H. Petraeus. Full article here

•    Lord Bingham, until last year the senior law lord (Britain), said that some weapons were so “cruel as to be beyond the pale of human tolerance”.

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