Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dov Charney - Would he hire or fire himself based on his looks? Dumb Idea

His ads have been super at selling sex - now he goes over the top in another way - no ugly employees 'cept me. Grin.
clipped from gawker.com

We Predict More Lawsuits in Dov Charney's Future

Summer is supposed to be a great sales season for AA. Needless to say, with the state of the economy, sales haven't been going so well. Dov usually gets on the conference calls and talks to people, but one week, he went on a huge tirade and made stores that weren't doing well send in group photos. Why, you ask? He made store managers across the country take group photos of their employees so that he could personally judge people based on looks. He is tightening the AA 'aesthetic,' and anyone that he deems not good-looking enough to work there, is encouraged to be fired. This is blatant discrimination based on looks.

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