Monday, July 06, 2009

Anti-Immigration Rap - In Barbados? Say It Isn't So!

When times get tough, it seems, everywhere - even in beautiful Barbados - people start to think things will get better if the last ones to immigrate are forced to go home! If the Out of Africa theory that modern humans all developed and emigrated from the highlands of Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya... then once everyone is sorted out, the highlands will be too crowded and we will have to emigrate again. Why not say: well here we all are, let's work together to make it better - grin.

Some commentators are arguing that the current government has little to offer in these recessionary times and have drawn water at the well of populist sentiment and pulled out 'the race card'. It's a card played strategically and frequently by politicians and has the great effect of neutralising its opponents, who immediately seem 'unpatriotic' and 'the ones who got us into this mess'. Any counter arguments from other countries naturally sound like 'their' voices telling 'us' what to do. But the card played is really 'the jack of spades' (and for those who do not know how to read Tarot cards, it could be time to learn): it's a card that creates conflict and division, while holding unexpressed deception; it's sometimes seen as a 'golden apple' but is a true 'apple of discord'.

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