Monday, October 06, 2008

"Wolf" Named to head $700 billion oversite buy out!

With apologies to four-legged wolves - why Wolf? If it looks like a wolf, walks like a wolf, then the sheep - us - better look out.
Prior to joining the Treasury Department, Mr. Kashkari was a Vice President at Goldman, Sachs & Co. in San Francisco, where he led Goldman's IT Security Investment Banking practice, advising public and private companies on mergers and acquisitions and financial transactions.

If being in charge of advising public and private companies on mergers and acquisitions and financial transactions is a qualification, then maybe he needs someone who specialized in selling bad mortgages as his aide!!
clipped from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Treasury on Monday named Assistant Secretary for International Economics and Development, Neel Kashkari, as head of the $700 billion government program that will buy soured investments to help restore the financial markets to health.
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