Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is CREDO Action Shilling for Fast Food Nation?

To an old hand at how people with their own axe to grind plant stories that show them in a good light, I smell a rat, The big rat I smell is the USA Today story is that those aligned with the Fast Food Nation helped "validate" the USA Today "expose." A careful reading shows that the school lunch program will be revisited next year, so this is round one in trying to get Jack in the Box, KFC, Mickey D and others into the K-12 school lunch rooms. They already end up serving most of the food in US colleges because they are seen as revenue sources. The industry spokespeople and the university profs (whose research may well be funded by backers of fast food in K-12 lunchrooms) would not have joined in the story if it did not serve the ends of their "bosses."

Fast food meat may meet standards but the end product feeds obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, and type two diabetes.

So the question is this: is CREDO just being slow, or are they receiving support from the Fast Food Nation
clipped from

School Lunch Meat Gets an 'F'

It's hard to believe, but the USDA uses school lunch funds to help Big Meat offload thousands of tons of meat from old chickens that Kentucky Fried Chicken won't buy and usually goes to compost or pet food.

A recent investigation by USA Today found that the meat sold to U.S. school cafeterias faces less testing and lower safety standards than the meat that's served in most fast-food restaurants
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