Friday, March 11, 2011

McCarthy-wannabe-Peter King fact? Oops!

I recall watching (I was a little kid) Senator Joe McCarthy shouting that he had a list of thousands of Reds Commies not Boston or Cincinnati) working for the US State Department - and waved sheets of paper that turned out to be blank and no list ever showed up. If King wanted to do anything other than scapegoat Muslims to get votes and campaign donations, he would investigate the growth of hate groups in the US of all different strips in an effort to figure out if there is anything the Congress could do anything different to better protect the country.

Fact checking is something everyone needs to do these days since so many have figured no one is doing that and lying to push their ideology or finances.

Amplify’d from
Mark Potok

Yesterday, in the opening statement of his hearings on the radicalization of American Muslims, U.S. Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) claimed that his political dog-and-pony show was not Islamophobic because “not one terror-related case in the last two years involved neo-Nazis” or other domestic groups.

precisely one day before King made his eyebrow-raising claim, law enforcement officials arrested a long-time neo-Nazi in what is undeniably a “terror-related case” — the attempted mass murder of up to 1,500 Martin Luther King Jr. Day marchers in Spokane, Wash.
on the very day that
you were opening your
on Muslims
tate and federal law enforcement authorities arrested five people in the area around Fairbanks, Ala., and charged them in connection with a plot to kidnap or kill a local judge and state troopers.

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