Saturday, March 26, 2011

Drugs in Pigs = Sick People!

Banned drugs for pigs and human found in 4 million pounds of pork in China. How much did they miss - not known. How did it pass into system - smile (money, money, money).

US importing more and more food from all over the world - who's checking the checkers - Is food safety up for cutting in Congress. Why are we importing green beans from Guatemala, Strawberries from Chile, Pork and chicken from China. Is this how Wal-Mart has become leader in grocery sales buying cheap and questionably safe food, while helping to drive US farmers out of business?

Oh well - who cares - price is the only thing and I "hope" that I and my kids don't get too sick?

Amplify’d from

China pig crisis: Drug residues in pork

In China, more than 2,000 tons of fresh pork and pork products
have been recalled because the meat has tested positive for clenbuterol, a stimulant that is illegal in food-producing animals not only in China but in Europe and the United States.
It revs up the heart and gives you the shakes, and can be especially dangerous for pregnant women
This isn’t the first time clenbuterol has been found in pork in China.

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