Sunday, May 09, 2010

Hawking Explains Arizona Law: Combination of Mental Balckholes and Bodysnatching Space Aliens

What else could explain Arizona's strange behavior in putting a good part of its Hispanic and Native-American population at risk of being frisked and jailed if they did not carry ID while inadvertently littering by dropping a Big Mac on the street when they heard a nearby police car speaker yell freeze!
clipped from

Why We Don’t Need to Worry About Space Invaders


"We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet," he said on the Discovery Channel's "Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking."

Hawking extrapolates from anthropology to point out that the inferior culture -- us in this case -- would get the short end of the stick in any such close encounter of the rude kind. Thirty-seven years ago Nobel laureate biologist George Wald expressed similar worries: "I can't conceive of a nightmare as terrifying as establishing communication with a so-called superior technology in outer space."

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