Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Haitian Ladies Will Get Markets Working Again - Fast!

UN, Red Cross, US - take note what micro-financing well connected to the people in small business can do to get economy moving again!

Haiti womens micro-lending bank brings big cash to rescue

Able to quickly reach a well-developed network of women throughout the country, an alternative banking system performs while the Haitian economy is in shambles

Magazine cover - 'Haiti: How much do you know?'

At a time when Haitian commercial banks remain closed, Fonkoze, the Haitian branch of the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh, mobilized over one weekend to get funds to its members in rural towns as well as Port-au-Prince.

Between 2 a.m. and 2 p.m., last Saturday, January 23, Fonkoze brought in two million dollars in cash from their U.S. bank and distributed it by helicopters to regional offices in the most remote parts of the country.

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