Friday, October 07, 2011

Vaccine deniers as harmful as climate warming deniers?

Vaccines - especially vaccines for polio, small pox, and measles - have saved countless lives since their introduction. Opting out of vaccines, in many case, threatens public health and increasingly - global health.

Are they 100% effective? Are they 100% safe? Nope. Most are in the 99% effective and safe range.

Can you look both ways before crossing a street in a car, on foot or a bike and still get hit? Yes but the chances are really, really small. So, would you advise people not to look or not to cross the street?
Amplify’d from
During the 1950s – before the introduction of the measles vaccine – in the United States alone the disease infected roughly 4 million, hospitalized nearly 50,000,  and contributed to the deaths of several hundred every year.  
Lower vaccine uptake, and increases in international travel, have increased opportunities for the measles virus to spread – even to areas that had previously all but eliminated it.

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