Monday, August 22, 2011

Who Gets Credit for Jobs? Those hiring

A. Gov. Perry responsible for job growth in Texas? Former Governator and Gov. Brown responsible for jobs gains in California?


B. How about the companies that did the hiring because they needed more workers and their customers are happy with them or want their product/service!

If you chose A. you are ready to move into the state of self-denial of facts to satisfy what you want to be true.

If you chose B., welcome back to reality or congratulations on not being sucked in by folks who want to sell you futures and pasts that will and have never existed so they can pick you pocket while they are getting you to take eye off of reality? Grin.

Good for employers in California - you still got a ways to go but you are getting there!

In the last 12 months, California has added 189,600 jobs, according to On Numbers.

Since July 2010, California's job growth was second only to Texas, which added 269,500 jobs, according to seasonally adjusted figures from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. It also added jobs in 9 of those 12 months.

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