Monday, January 17, 2011

Greed-based Spin About GM Chickens Conquering Flu

Industrialized farming of poultry over the past decade - chickens, duck, geese, turkeys - and its massing of birds raised to profit from the world market caused nature to respond with the lethal H5N1 avian influenza as a means to "re-balance" an out of balance system. The "scientists" proclaim themselves as masters of nature and that "their" (soon to be patented) GM chickens will end the threat of H5N1 in chickens. What the development of a monoculture of chickens will do is trigger another attempt by the natural system to develop another, perhaps even more lethal virus to "re-balance" the system again.

Greed-based science is not the cure, it will likely be the "disease" that will kill us all.

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