Friday, November 12, 2010

Climate change deniers need to dust off their brains - grin.

Have humans contributed to the growth of deserts? Yep, plenty of proof there even in USA - remember Dust Bowl? What about diseases that could be carried to us from sand/dust storms in Asia and Sahara? Read on and find out for yourself - hack, wheeze, ack - that dust has a garlic flavor - must be Chinese - smile.

Amplify’d from
Atmospheric Movement of Microorganisms in Clouds of Desert Dust and Implications for Human Health
Billions of tons of desert dust move through the atmosphere each year. The primary source regions, which include the Sahara and Sahel regions of North Africa and the Gobi and Takla Makan regions of Asia, are capable of dispersing significant quantities of desert dust across the traditionally viewed oceanic barriers.
Asian dust storms can take from 7 to 9 days to cross the Pacific Ocean. Dust storms moving off the west coast of Africa can take from 3 to 5 days to reach the Caribbean and Americas.
During an African dust event that occurred from 25 to 28 July 2005
These data demonstrate the ability of dust storms to impact air quality at significant distances from their sources (Tampa Bay is >6,500 km west of the coast of North Africa).Read more at

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