Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Yo! World leaders - Maryam's 11 Gaza kids need clean water - now!

Take time from your Vogue posing and get clean water for Gaza!

Amplify’d from www.madre.org

Clean Water for Gaza: Maryam's Story

Early last year, Israel destroyed much of Gaza’s rudimentary water infrastructure in a protracted bombing campaign. Since then, an ongoing economic blockade has prevented Gazans from importing materials they need to rebuild the water system. Contaminated drinking water is putting people at risk for cholera, typhoid and other diseases.
Maryam and her family - c. Zakher Association
“Since the blockade began, my house only has water once a week,” said Maryam, who has 11 children.
“The rest of the time, we have to buy water at four times the cost of water from the municipality.”Read more at www.madre.org

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