Sunday, April 25, 2010

Become an Afghan war expert in 5 minutes!

A sure hit for journalist wannabes who want to become famous and rich/powerful writing for fake online journals like Free extra: You can become a wannabe-expert on any conflict using the methods described here - you just have to be careful not to take any of it seriously like many journalists do without saying that they took ten minutes to become an expert about whatever they just got assigned to - grin.
clipped from

How to Write About Afghanistan

Joshua Foust
Always use the word ‘war-torn’ in your title. Subtitles may include the words ‘tribal,’ ‘Taliban,’ ‘corrupt,’ and ‘Sharia.’ Also useful are words such as ‘shuras,’ ‘fighters,’ ‘refugees’ and ‘insurgency.’
Never have a picture of a well-adjusted Afghan accompanying your article.
In your text, treat Afghanistan as if it were one indistinct mass.
Make sure you show how Afghans have violence and xenophobia deep in their souls
Avoid having the Afghan characters laugh, or struggle to educate their kids, or just make do in mundane circumstances.

Always end your book with an obscure Soviet or British general saying something about how Afghanistan is a land of ferocious, fanatical, crafty people capable of fighting forever.

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