Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Stealing & Selling Kids - Here!

Child trafficking is a problem in Eastern Europe, in South Asia and USA. It's not just for sex that children are trafficked but that's the big ticket item here in USA. Disgusting - yep. Who's buying and who gets jailed when police departments stop denying there is a problem in their community. In Cincinnati, they think it's not a problem but it's not just weed and coke that travels I-74, I-75 and I-74 interstates!

Human trafficking in the United States is an often undetected problem because the victims are usually hidden from the public view. The victims are enslaved into illegal jobs often in the sweatshop labor or clandestine sex services. Frequently the victims are minors brought into the United States by organized crime cartels.

Photo of solidarity protest in Los Angeles by aclu.socal and used under a Creative Commons license.

USA: Activism to Stop Human Trafficking

Across America, about 800,000 children are reported missing each year, 33% of which are African-American. In New York City last year, half of reported missing children were black and 60% were female. And these aren't 17-and-a-half-year-olds; most of the girls were between 13 and 15. Other urban areas like Atlanta, Washington DC, Chicago, and Los Angeles with large African-American populations also have high instances of young black girls being kidnapped or “running away”. But what's happening to these girls? Surely they don't vanish into thin air?

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