Monday, May 11, 2009

Immigration Reform: Majority in US Favors

In the year since the massive immigration raid in Postville, a clear majority of Americans has come to support legalization of undocumented workers, according to a recent poll.

Sixty-one percent of Americans now favor giving illegal immigrants "the right to live here legally if they pay a fine and meet other requirements," according to results of an ABC News-Washington Post Poll released in late April. That's a big jump from the 49 percent of Americans who supported doing this in 2007.


A Des Moines Register Iowa Poll in September 2008 yielded similar results: 54 percent of participants said the country should find a way to let illegal immigrants stay if they have jobs. These responses argue for a moratorium on raids like the one in Postville until President Barack Obama and Congress can agree on comprehensive immigration reform.

Let's stop terrorizing people here illegally because they were desperate to escape poverty in their home countries but have done nothing wrong otherwise.

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