Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas - 1912 - Did Santa forget Carmen?

This is the true story of my mother's fourth Christmas - the last one she would spend with her mother. It's also a story about how gifts outlast the giver and provide memories of people you never really "knew," except through stories.

Amplify’d from positivefuturesguide.com
Christmas Age Four
Wright -- 1912

Once upon a time there
lived in the little village of Saranac, New York a dear little girl named Carmen
whose papa and mama were very poor but happy as Christmas time drew near.

"Daddy! Is there neny
sing in my stockings?" Daddy said, "Come and see"
She was more pleased with
those few things than all the other things she got
These are the facts as
they happened on the Christmas of 1912.
Read more at positivefuturesguide.com

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