Thursday, September 30, 2010

Appreciating the people around you in the midst of Afghan Follies

It is amazing that if you take time to look, love is even in the midst of war.

Amplify’d from

The people in between

Kite flying
Whilst we endlessly debate whether Karzai is friend or foe or fit to lead

Every day, a softly spoken young man in our office, whose name I don’t even know, discreetly feeds a scrawny calico cat, which hangs around by the rubbish bins beside our office dining room. He is the only person who does this and for some reason I find this gesture incredibly touching.

Yet for the miles between us and each other’s words that we don’t understand, she hugs me each morning before I leave the house. I love the sensation of wrapping my arms around this small round woman, gently squeezing her soft fat frame, and I feel loved.Read more at

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