Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Obama Reaction to Gulf Oil Disaster

What a difference a few years and a new tech-savvy administration makes. Having ready access to your government and news about what is happening, or not happening has changed dramatically. That alone is super cool. How effective it is - time will tell. The Exxon Valdez oil spill took place 21 years ago and there is still oil under the coastline and some fish never returned. As for the fish, I suspect that if the fouling of spawning grounds lasts long enough, the fish either go elsewhere and do not return, of that particular population dies off.

The Ongoing Administration-Wide Response to the Deepwater BP Oil Spill

Deepwater Horizon Response Banner


The President Meets with Cabinet Members in the Situation Room

President Obama met with a number of Cabinet members and senior staff in the White House Situation Room to review BP’s efforts to stop the oil leak as well as to decide on next steps to ensure all is being done to contain the spread, mitigate the environmental impact and provide assistance to affected states, including individuals, businesses, and communities.

The President asked Secretary Chu to lead a team of top administration officials and government scientists to Houston this week for an extensive dialogue with BP officials to continue to aggressively pursue potential solutions.

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