Wednesday, December 02, 2009

What is Freedom of Press and Speech Worth?

More than 80 journalists have been killed this year - it was 30 in the Philippines in one incident. Cowards, wannabe dictators, and people who want to run your life fear, persecute and kill journalists. The unfunny thing is that some "news" organizations seem to delight at inflaming people against the "media" and those who defend free speech and press. Of course they do the same with inflaming people against anyone they don't like and refuse to take responsibility when someone dies. Words and speech have power, they know it. this article demonstrates that truth.
World newspapers condemn mass killing of journalists in Philippines

Gavin O’Reilly, president of the World Association of Newspapers (WAN), told the 2,000 delegates from 87 countries that the mass killing on Nov. 23 was “the deadliest single attack on the media in history.”

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