Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Christmas - Delayed 35 Years

Thirty-five years in prison for a crime you did not do. What would you say? How could you have stood it, more than 230 cases similar and people freed by one innocence project. How many more do you think are in jail just for being poor or because police and district attoneys cared more about a conviction than the truth.

DNA Evidence Frees Florida Inmate After 35 Years

JEFFREY BROWN: James Bain is a free man tonight. Yesterday, he was released from a Florida prison, where he had spent 35 years for a crime he didn't commit. A court-mandated DNA test proved Bain was wrongly convicted of sexual assault in 1974.

According to the Project, since 1989, there have been 248 post-conviction exonerations based on DNA evidence. Seventeen of those exonerated served time on death row. Twenty-seven states, the federal government and the District of Columbia, compensate individuals who were wrongfully incarcerated.

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