Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sweatshop Slavery in Jersey

Sex slavery usually gets the headlines and is serious - to be sure - but most modern slavery involves labor slaves to supply many of us with what we thought were legitimate low cost goods and services at places like Wal-Mart who spends way too much in trying to appear family friendly of late since we and they have practically underwritten much of the outsourcing of what used to be jobs in the US. Rant done, its - grin - safe again.
clipped from

From hair salons to court, to face forced-labor charges

The West African nation of Togo is a small and mountainous
sliver of land where villagers scratch livings from cassava
fields and phosphate mines.

It was there, amid mud-thatched houses and dusty
marketplaces, that a successful textile merchant named
Akouavi Kpade Afolabi allegedly recruited about 20 girls
between the ages of 10 and 19 and promised them better lives
in New Jersey.

Once the girls arrived, she forced them to work 14-hour days
without pay in hair-braiding salons in Newark and East
Orange, binding them into submission through beatings and
threats of voodoo curses, authorities say.
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