Monday, September 21, 2009

Right-Wing #1 Scapegoat - ACORN

No hypocrites here - ha, ha. How many would support a bar on funding:
1. Pfizer Slapped With $2.3 Billion Fine For Illegally Promoting Drugs & Defrauding Gov't?
2. On July 23, 1992, GE pled guilty in federal court to civil and criminal charges of defrauding the Pentagon and agreed to pay $69 million to the U.S. government in fines " one of the largest defense contracting fines ever.

3. US: DynCorp Billed U.S. $50 Million Beyond Costs in Defense Contract
by V. Dion Haynes, Washington Post
August 12th, 2009

4. Halliburton didn't hesitate to pay $382 million in fines to the U.S. Department of Justice as part of the settlement of a controversial KBR gas project in Nigeria in which the company admitted to paying a $180 million bribe to government officials.

5. Wackenhut is currently involved with scandal over their guarding the US Embassy in Kabul, and in April of this year - the appellate court's ruling late last week, it upheld all but $5 million of the original $47.5 mi
clipped from

Congress Votes to Cut ACORN Funding

The amendment to defund ACORN was recently written into the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2009, which is making its way through Congress.  Though ACORN has been on the community organizing scene since its founding in 1970 and has been as the largest organization to champion the rights and needs of the low-income sector, in recent weeks it has been doing damage control for incriminating videos of its staff members giving illegal advice to citizens.

Non-profit or not, it's not easy being ACORN these days.  And the House of Representatives' resounding vote to deny federal funding to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) this week is case in point.  And, with votes totaling 345 to 75 in favor of the funding cut, the numbers also signal a deliberate effort by the government to distance itself from the longtime community organizing institution.

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