Sunday, August 15, 2010

Charter Schools, Profiteering, and Self-Delusion

It's shameful that there are so many who are willing to traffic in the hopes and fears of parents who want the best for their children to make a profit and probably do little other than fatten their bank accounts. Parents want so badly to do right by their kids that they will delude themselves into believing that money and the claims of charter schools will help their children.

Money and accepted false promises instead of effort to be involved in the education of their children and the children of the community is a common, all too common mistake being made in Ohio as much as in Massachusetts.

If you want better schools, work for better public schools by taking your time that your children need - not your money and a false profiteering charter school fool!

Amplify’d from

Surge in charter school requests

The state this year has seen a surge in applications for new charter schools, most targeted for the neediest urban districts, following the passage of legislation last winter that loosened longstanding limitations on their expansion.


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