Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Gulp for Gulf: 27,000 that's 27,000 abandoned oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico!

How often to abandoned wells leak? Often on land and at sea as well. Too common to track - except for marine life or rather dead zones in the Gulf and... your guess is as good as anyone's if no one is keeping track. Disgusting - aren't we with our addiction to getting there faster.

Amplify’d from blog.skytruth.org
"it's not unusual to have seepage around the old wells"
The AP recently did a story (featuring SkyTruth, among others) on the fact that there are 27,000 abandoned wells in the Gulf, and that abandoned wells on land leak so frequently that there is an ongoing need to re-plug them. I guess Admiral Allen confirms what the AP suspected - that this is also a problem with offshore wells. Who knew? Now we all do.Read more at blog.skytruth.org

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