Monday, April 26, 2010

Healthcare Reform Realities Again - Good for Hospitals and You!

No cracked cups of tea here just good analysis of what Congress passed and the President signed.
clipped from

Myths & Facts About HealthCare Reform: The Impact on Hospital Care

by Maggie Mahar

Maggie Mahar

Fear-mongers fret that cuts in Medicare spending will
threaten the financial health of the nation’s hospitals: they argue that
hospitals already lose money on Medicare patients. The truth is that,
today, more efficient hospitals make money or break even on Medicare
beneficiaries. Hospitals that run a tight ship save money and offer
better care. Unfortunately, waste remains an enormous problem in many
U.S. hospitals, and waste and poor quality care go hand in hand.

expansion also will help hospitals. True, Medicaid payments to hospital
are low, but in the past, hospitals were treating many patients who
didn’t qualify for Medicaid, but were too poor to pay their bills. Low
payment beats no payment.

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